Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ben's Law of Fire

Hello everybody! I have come up with a new law that will shake the foundations of the Earth. This new law is that when a person goes on fire they need to accept that everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Yup, that's all there is to it. If you expect anything different then "you got another thing comin'". Thing that have gone wrong thus far:
1. The order they gave us was wrong, almost got de-mob'd.
2. Set up and almost got sent home because some dude was afraid of radiation from the dish.
3. Had to move and repoint.
4. Set up and everything was fine and dandy up until a solar flare hit G26 and fried the power supply to half the satellite. Had to repoint again.
5. Up and running and the wireless doesn't work because there is too much congestion with allt he other wireless devices in a nearby vicinity.
6. Had to run hard lines to half the camp.
So as you can see I have been having a hunky-dory time up here:)
Things that have gone bodaciously awesome:
1. I'm in California about 1 mile from the ocean.
2. Approximate temperature is 65 degrees.:)
3. I am making loads of money... can't complain.
4. I'm surrounded by some really neat people.
5. Everything is working for the time being and there hasn't been one problem for at least one day now!!

Just remember: What can go wrong, will go wrong.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Oh, my goodness, that pesky sun...breaking stuff all over the place!